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Yellow Labrador Used For Breeding Puppies Gets Heartlessly Abandoned On The Street

Yellow Labrador Used For Breeding Puppies Gets Heartlessly Abandoned On The Street

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As heartless and cruel as it is, people continue to abandon their pets every day. Once they get bored or no longer find their pets beneficial, they simply leave them on the streets.

Such harsh fate followed this yellow Labrador. She had been used for breeding by her previous owner, but once she was no longer profitable, they heartlessly left her to fend for herself on the street.

labrador walking on the street
Credit: YouTube

Many people noticed the desperate and frightened dog and wanted to help, but they couldn’t capture her.

Thankfully, someone reached out to The Hope For Paws for help. The team quickly arrived at the location to rescue the dog and bring her to safety. However, they soon realized it wouldn’t be an easy mission.

When the rescuers arrived, the Labrador was sleeping by a fence. Seeing an opportunity, they tried to slip a leash through the fence and around her neck.

photo of abandoned labrador
Credit: YouTube

Unfortunately, the rescuers weren’t fast enough. They almost had her, but she woke up at the last moment and quickly ran away.

The poor dog was frightened and exhausted, yet she ran as fast as she could to escape the rescuers.

Refusing to give up, the rescue team continued to follow her around the neighborhood. However, each time they got close, she managed to escape again.

labrador hiding
Credit: YouTube

On their third attempt, the dog ran into a yard and hid under a trailer. When the rescuers crawled under the trailer to reach her, they feared she might escape once more.

Surprisingly, this time, the dog remained still. Though terrified, she finally allowed them to place the leash around her neck, as if she had finally surrendered.

The team quickly took her to an animal clinic, where she received a thorough examination and high-quality food. She was very calm and even allowed the rescuers to pet her.

man petting labrador
Credit: YouTube

Once everyone wanted to meet her, the Labrador began to blossom. She wagged her tail and seemed overjoyed to be surrounded by kind-hearted humans.

Soon, she will be ready for adoption, and with just a little love and care, there’s no doubt she’ll make a wonderful pet.