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Owner Abandons Dog After 12 Months Of ‘Pregnancy’ With No Signs Of Giving Birth

Owner Abandons Dog After 12 Months Of ‘Pregnancy’ With No Signs Of Giving Birth

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A couple of days ago, I stumbled upon a story that truly tugged at my heartstrings. It made me question why some people get pets if they’re not willing to care for them through sickness and health. 

The story I found revolves around a poor dog whose owner abandoned her in the middle of the mountains. 

She had apparently been ‘pregnant’ for 12 months, yet showed no signs of giving birth anytime soon. 

It broke my heart to think that her owner didn’t even take her to the vet – because, as it turns out, she wasn’t pregnant but suffering from a much more serious health issue.

pregnant dog sitting
Credit: TikTok

Thankfully, a kind woman found the poor dog scared and alone in the forest, crying out for someone to rescue her. 

Heartbroken by her condition, the woman knew she couldn’t leave her behind, so she decided to bring her home. 

She offered her food and water, named her Boksu, and showered her with love and attention – the kind the dog hadn’t felt in a long time.

dog in the yard
Credit: TikTok

Boksu’s belly was so large that she couldn’t even lie down to sleep; she could only rest while sitting up. 

As days went by, even walking became a struggle, and the poor girl had to take numerous breaks, even on the shortest trips from one corner of the yard to the other.

Despite her difficulty moving, Boksu never missed a chance to greet the woman she had grown so fond of. 

Every morning, she would see her off to work, and every night, she would welcome her home with glimmering eyes.

dog walking on the street
Credit: TikTok

Even though the woman was meticulous in caring for Boksu, she knew that looking after her at home wasn’t enough – she needed to take her new canine friend to the vet. 

And thankfully, she did, because the vet had some not-so-pleasant news for them both.

Boksu’s Operation 

After Boksu stepped on the scale, it was discovered that she weighed over 75 pounds – around 20 pounds more than the average for a medium-sized dog breed.

people helping the dog
Credit: TikTok

The vet explained that all that weight came from excess fluid stored in Boksu’s belly due to heartworm disease, a serious and potentially fatal condition that can cause lasting damage to the heart, lungs, and arteries.

He emphasized the urgency of treating her condition to save her life and prevent her from crossing the Rainbow Bridge too soon.

So, they prepared the operating room, and the team set to work with determination to save the precious dog’s life.

dog at the vet clinic
Credit: TikTok

Boksu remained calm on the operating table, as though she knew the strange humans in white coats had her best interests at heart. 

The vet and his assistants had prepared the largest standard beaker used in laboratories, which holds up to 5 liters of fluid. 

Surprisingly, they needed more than one of these beakers. There was so much excess fluid in Boksu’s belly that the operation took a full three hours to complete. 

fluid on a scale
Credit: TikTok

Once the surgery was complete, there were numerous containers lined up on the table, each filled to the brim with fluid – almost 40 pounds in total. 

Everyone was astonished by the sheer volume and the fact that Boksu had managed to survive for so long despite her condition.

Boksu’s Recovery And Well-Deserved Happy Ending

dog recovering
Credit: TikTok

The vet informed the woman that, in addition to heartworms, Boksu also had congenital heart disease. 

However, he assured her that with proper treatment, Boksu could recover and live a happy and healthy life!

woman petting the dog
Credit: TikTok

The woman was relieved that the surgery went well and hopeful about her canine friend’s full recovery. 

It was heartwarming to see Boksu doing so well, walking and wagging her tail – just like any other healthy doggo.

woman and dog outdoors
Credit: TikTok

After considering whether to keep Boksu or surrender her to a local shelter, the woman decided to adopt her. 

She couldn’t bear the thought of Boksu waiting in a shelter kennel when she had already grown so attached. 

So, the woman brought Boksu home for good, ready to start a new chapter in their lives.