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Aggressive Pregnant Pony Completely Transforms After Getting A Second Chance At Life

Aggressive Pregnant Pony Completely Transforms After Getting A Second Chance At Life

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While many people think it’s easier to work with ponies rather than with bigger horses due to their size, I must say, it’s often the opposite.

Ponies are wonderful, but they remind me of small dogs who are often fierce and full of attitude, which can make them challenging to handle. 

Even though that’s not always the case, here’s a story showing how tricky ponies can be.

woman and little pony
Source: YouTube

Cassandra was having a typical day at Hopeful Hooves Rescue when her daughter brought in a rescued pony mare. 

However, little did they know this pony was about to change not only their lives but also the lives of everyone at the rescue.

Upon arrival, the pony mare immediately showed her fierce temperament, reacting aggressively towards everyone around her. 

Cassandra and her daughter gave her some time to adjust to her new environment, but sadly, she didn’t get less aggressive.

pony and horse
Source: YouTube

During a vet-check, Cassandra and her daughter discovered a shocking truth – Winifred the mare was pregnant. They speculated that her pregnancy might be causing her aggressive behavior.

Although Wini made some progress interacting with Cassandra’s daughter, things became even worse when she gave birth to a healthy foal. She felt a constant need to protect her baby from everyone.

Just as Cassandra began to lose hope of ever fully integrating Winifred, a significant change occurred four months postpartum.

Source: YouTube

As Winifred’s foal, Feyre, started to become more independent, her demeanor began to soften. Encouraged by this transformation, Cassandra decided to integrate Winifred with the herd, and to everyone’s surprise, it went better than expected.

Slowly but surely, Wini’s behavior improved dramatically, indicating she was ready for a new chapter in life. Cassandra shared in a video:

“It was a moment we didn’t think would come for her, unfortunately, but fortunately it did, and this is the best ending we could have hoped for her.”

Eventually, Winifred was adopted into a loving farm where she could roam free with her pony buddies and live her well-deserved happily ever after.