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Medical Lab Beagle Finally Free From Cage Life Learns How To Be A Dog Again

Medical Lab Beagle Finally Free From Cage Life Learns How To Be A Dog Again

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When I realized that even to this day we still do medical testing on animals, my heart broke into pieces.

Instead of being spoiled and living their best life, these poor souls spend their days in dark cages, surrounded by medical staff who poke them with needles. 

person holding the medical lab dog
Credit: YouTube

Luckily, organizations like One Tail at a Time from Chicago fight against these cruel establishments. 

Recently they saved an adorable beagle named Dora, who spent her entire life in a medical testing lab. At that time she had no name, as Kim from One Tail at a Time said in a video:

“She had only been known so far in her life by the number tattooed inside her ear.”

photo of a beagle
Credit: YouTube

When they rescued adorable Dora and placed her in a loving foster home, she had to learn how to be a dog. The poor thing didn’t know how to use the stairs or what cuddles were. 

Her foster mom had to teach her how to go for walks, as Dora was terrified of everything around her. Step by step, she learned how to play fetch and enjoy some well-deserved cuddles.

beagle climbing on stairs
Credit: YouTube

Once Dora’s spay appointment was due, two foster volunteers from One Tail at a Time offered to bring her there. Little did Laura and Luke know they would instantly fall in love with little Dora. As Laura shared:

“Luke and I had already been following her story and it definitely melted our hearts.”

dog playing indoors
Credit: YouTube

The couple decided to officially adopt her and provide her with a safe home she so desperately needed. With the initial help of her foster mom and the huge amount of love from Laura and Luke, Dora was finally able to enjoy her life. 

However, once Dora completely came out of her shell something amazing happened. This adorable goofball started walking on her two back legs, just like a tiny human! As Laura mentioned:

“Anytime she can be up on two hind legs, especially if she’s wanting some food.”

beagle indoors
Credit: YouTube

Today, Dora enjoys walks and dog parks and is eager to meet new dog friends. From the day she was rescued until now, she transformed into a really active and playful dog. 

At the end of the day, one thing Dora loves the most is cuddles! She will take any opportunity to snuggle up next to her forever parents and enjoy some hugs and kisses.

beagle cuddling with owner
Credit: YouTube

Thanks to amazing organizations like One Tail at a Time, dogs like Dora can get a second chance at life. 

If you want to keep up with Dora and her adventures, make sure to follow her over on Instagram!