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Man Described As A ‘Heartless Trapper’ Proves Everyone Wrong In A Heartwarming Rescue

Man Described As A ‘Heartless Trapper’ Proves Everyone Wrong In A Heartwarming Rescue

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Brendon Ash is a hunter, fisherman, and animal control expert from Idaho. He spent all his life out in the wilderness, surrounded by animals.

However, many animal lovers accused him of being heartless considering his love for hunting. In a recent video he posted, Brendon wanted to show everyone just how much he loves animals as well.

man by the lake
Credit: YouTube

While he was out in the woods with his dogs, Brendon heard what seemed to be a desperate cry for help. 

He ran towards the river, ready to help the animal in need. Once he came close, he soon realized it was a baby deer fighting for his life. 

a fawn in water
Credit: YouTube

The poor soul fell into the cold river, unable to jump out. He swam close to the shore, with only his head sticking out of the water. 

Brendon didn’t hesitate at all! He jumped straight into the cold river and scooped up the little fawn. As Brendon said in the video:

“He’s cold, he’s wet. I gotta get him dry.”

man warming the fawn
Credit: YouTube

With this being said, Brendon wrapped the poor baby in his jacket and sat with him in the grass until he was dry. 

The mom was nowhere to be seen, and he was afraid once she smelled the human scent on her baby she would abandon him. 

man holding a fawn in the blanket
Credit: YouTube

The next morning, after Brendon warmed the tiny soul up, he contacted their local wildlife sanctuary for some advice. As it turned out, he could release the fawn back into the wild, and the mom would surely take her baby back.

The whole thing about human scent was a myth, so Brendon was relieved that the fawn had a chance to reunite with his mom. 

man kissing the fawn
Credit: YouTube

He took the fawn close to the place where he found him, only this time far away from the dangerous river. 

As he released the fawn back into the forest, Brendon stayed almost until sundown to make sure the tiny soul found his way back to his family.

Hours later, while he was sitting in his pickup truck with his dog, Brendon spotted a deer family roaming around a nearby field. 

fawns in nature
Credit: YouTube

After watching his video and this amazing rescue story, one thing is certain – Brendon is anything but heartless! As on YouTube comment put it:

“Not only did you save the little one, you spent all that time making sure it was back with its mom. well done Sir!”

Thanks to this big-hearted man an adorable baby was saved that day!