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Utah Police Officer Gets A Serious Task Which Involves Catching An Unusual Fugitive

Utah Police Officer Gets A Serious Task Which Involves Catching An Unusual Fugitive

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Most of us think that the job of a police officer involves patrolling, controlling traffic, arresting criminals, enforcing laws, and so on. 

While that’s mostly true, we often forget that our hard-working cops sometimes get tasked with some pretty peculiar jobs. 

Take, for example, this officer from the Grantsville City Police Department in Grantsville, Utah. Believe it or not, he was recently tasked with catching a runaway hog. 

Did he succeed in his mission? Keep reading to find out!

The Grantsville City Police Department was informed about a “hogs on the loose” situation in their town. 

They alerted the community through their official Facebook page, urging the owners of any missing hogs to “try and collect them as soon as possible.” 

A day after this post, Officer Cory Cooper was called to catch one of these hogs, and to everyone’s surprise, he proved quite adept at the task.

As Officer Cooper chased the hog, his colleague filmed the entire scene, resulting in a hilarious video that quickly went viral. 

In the video, Officer Cooper can be seen sprinting after the hog, demonstrating some pretty impressive football skills as he tackles his unconventional fugitive. 

Once caught, the hog wailed like a child in the officer’s arms, seemingly devastated that his days of freedom were over.

Check the video below and see for yourself just how hilarious the whole scene really was:

The video quickly went viral, amassing nearly 6 million views, and people in the comment section absolutely loved it. One viewer commented:

“That officer needs a raise 😂 Maybe he should put in for the NFL with that tackle 🫣”

Another added:

“Bet when he joined the force, he never thought of this situation. Great job.”

And yet another joked:

“Bringing home the bacon 🥓”

Officer Cooper, it turns out, is a seasoned animal catcher at the Grantsville City Police Department and is known for having a way with animals. 

Not sure about the rest of Utah’s furry residents, but this was definitely the smoothest hog-catching I’ve ever seen.

What about you? Were you impressed by Officer Cooper’s skills? Have you ever had to catch a pig yourself? Feel free to share your story in the comments!