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Tiny Piglet Survives A Near-Fatal Injury Thanks To A Kind Man Who Never Gave Up On Him

Tiny Piglet Survives A Near-Fatal Injury Thanks To A Kind Man Who Never Gave Up On Him

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This touching story of Mikey, a resilient piglet, is bound to reshape your understanding of animal-human bonds.

It’s not just about surviving tough times but about incredible strength and love even when things look bleak. Here’s how it unfolded.

At just four weeks old, Mikey was viciously attacked by a dog. The near-fatal encounter left him severely injured and fighting for his life at Cornell University Animal Hospital, Ithaca, New York.

tiny piglet
Credit: YouTube

Mikey’s prognosis was grim and the vets suggested euthanasia if his treatment costs exceeded $500.

However, despite the daunting financial burden, Todd, the dedicated founder of Arthur’s Acres Animal Sanctuary in Parksville, NY, couldn’t bear the thought of giving up on Mikey.

Todd decided to take Mikey under his wing, believing deeply that every life, no matter how small, deserves a fighting chance.

piglet sleeping
Credit: YouTube

With Todd’s help and unwavering support, Mikey underwent a high-risk brain surgery where part of his skull was removed. 

Initially, his recovery was touch-and-go; his movements were sluggish, and his future was uncertain. 

However, Todd’s steadfast commitment coupled with Mikey’s resilient spirit gradually changed the course of events.

man holding the piglet
Credit: YouTube

Todd brought Mikey home, setting up a warm, home-like environment for his recovery. He replaced a cold crate with a comfortable crib, ensuring the little fighter felt safe and cared for as he healed.

Mikey faced more challenges after surgery, like a severe upper respiratory infection that landed him back at Cornell. But through it all, Mikey stayed strong.

Todd’s meticulous care, including twice-daily nebulization treatments, formed the cornerstone of Mikey’s recovery and prepared him for his return to the warmth and safety of Todd’s sanctuary.

piglet with inhalor on its head
Credit: YouTube

Surrounded by caring people rooting for him, Mikey blossomed at Arthur’s Acres.

His bond with Todd deepened, and he even shared Todd’s bed. This simple act meant the world to the resilient piglet and was integral to his healing journey, as Todd shared in a YouTube video:

“He sleeps in bed with me every night because I felt like he never got that nurturing from his mother. And he needed to heal and feel the nurturing, he needed to fight for his life.”

photo of piglet sleeping
Credit: YouTube

Feeling safe and cherished, Mikey’s personality began to shine, brimming with zest and a newfound love for life that amazed everyone at the sanctuary.

As Mikey regained his strength, his quirky preferences emerged – bananas, berries, and cucumbers were in, while lettuce was decidedly out.

happy piglet on grass
Credit: YouTube

Now, as the beloved mayor of Arthur’s Acres, Mikey is living his best life. His days are filled with sunshine, cozy naps, and playful times with his fellow pig companions. He’s become a favorite among the sanctuary staff, who cherish him as much as Todd does.

However, it is his relationship with Todd that remains most special. Their bond, forged under the most challenging circumstances, is unbreakable. 

This deep affection is at the very heart of Mikey’s remarkable recovery and his new lease on life.

piglet peeking between man's feet
Credit: YouTube

Mikey’s story underscores that every life is precious and deserving of care and it can inspire us all to embrace compassion and cherish the life-affirming moments that come from nurturing those in need.

You can catch Mikey’s incredible journey in the video below!