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Guy Saves A Lemon-Sized Kitten That Got Stranded On A Busy Highway Overpass

Guy Saves A Lemon-Sized Kitten That Got Stranded On A Busy Highway Overpass

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You’ve probably heard about the famous ‘cat distribution system’. If you haven’t, let me explain it real quick.

The cat-lover community firmly believes that stray cats often choose their humans instead of the other way around. 

traffic on a highway road
Credit: Reddit 

And trust me, once you start researching more about stray cats and their rescue stories, it makes sense! 

Such is the story of Keno, a tiny ginger kitten who waited for his forever human to appear. Let’s rewind the story!

kitten on man's shoulder
Credit: Reddit 

The man from today’s story was on his way home when he noticed a ginger fluff in the middle of a busy highway overpass. 

At first, he thought he was imagining things, because frankly how could a tiny kitten end up in such a place?

tiny kitten on hand
Credit: Reddit 

However, he did stop his car and got out. That’s when his eyes met the sweetest kitten ever.

With his adorable blue eyes and fluffy ginger fur, he looked at the man almost as if saying ‘Well, what took you so long?’

The man scooped him up and brought him to the safety of his car. As he later shared on Reddit:

“Saved this little guy from a very busy overpass the other night and since then he’s taken refuge on my shoulder and refuses to leave so everyone meet Keno.”

man holding tiny cat on his shoulder
Credit: Reddit 

From the moment he brought Keno home, the little fluffball refused to leave his rescuer’s side. He nestled right into his arms, purring as loud as he could!

The cat community over on Reddit was so grateful he rescued Keno from such a busy overpass. As some comments put it:

“Thank you for saving that precious little guy.”

“I have a sneaking suspicion that Keno plans on keeping you. You’re a lucky guy!”

man playing with tiny kitten
Credit: Reddit 

Their instant bond meant only one thing – Keno had found his forever home! I’m so happy he decided to stop his car and save him from what could have ended in a fatal outcome.