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Chicken Tickled By Her Owner Leaves Millions Of Followers In Stitches With Her Laugh

Chicken Tickled By Her Owner Leaves Millions Of Followers In Stitches With Her Laugh

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If you thought that chickens were just tiny farm animals that give us eggs, you were wrong.

woman holding a chicken
Credit: YouTube

To my surprise, I found out a few years ago when I visited a farm, that chickens can be extremely intelligent. 

If you interact with them daily they will even respond to their name! But a recent video proved to me once again that chickens can be as adorable as any other pet.

woman petting the chicken
Credit: YouTube

Coming from Texas, a chicken named Frances and her owner Lisa recently took the internet by storm with their adorable video.

photo of woman tickling chicken
Credit: YouTube

Frances is a pet chicken, living happily on Lisa’s farm among many other farm animals. One day, while doing her usual errands around the farm, Lisa accidentally tickled Frances. 

She tried moving Frances to the side, by gently picking her up. However, it seemed like Lisa touched her ticklish bone and Frances started laughing!

chicken laughing
Credit: YouTube

Yes, you read that right, the chicken started laughing! Lisa was so amazed by her laugh that she decided to share it with the world. 

She placed Frances on a table and demonstrated the tickling on camera. Take a look for yourself!

Amazing, right? Frances was laughing just like a human would! Who knew chickens were ticklish?

Next time you see a chicken, well don’t tickle it, LOL, but remember that these tiny farm animals are as special as any other pet!