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Deaf Dog Gets A Second Chance At Life After Fearing She Would Be Alone Forever

Deaf Dog Gets A Second Chance At Life After Fearing She Would Be Alone Forever

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Picture a world where everything is quiet. No dogs barking, no happy yelps, and no soothing sounds. 

This is the life of Blu, a deaf pit bull. She was born into this silent world and has learned to live with amazing strength and skill. In the U.S., about 5-10% of dogs are deaf, which can happen for different reasons like genetics or getting older. 

white deaf dog
Source: YouTube

Deafness is especially common in dogs that have white fur and blue eyes, a condition called cochleosaccular deafness

Blu, with her beautiful white coat and bright blue eyes, shows the special challenges that deaf dogs face. She spent a long time in an animal shelter, and her chances of being adopted were low because of her disability. 

deaf dog and owner
Source: YouTube

It’s known that deaf dogs often deal with unfair treatment and misunderstandings, making it tough for them to find loving families. 

But Blu’s fortune changed when Mark and Sean, a couple from San Francisco, decided to adopt her. 

They were looking for a deaf dog to add to their family, understanding the unique challenges and joys that come with caring for one. 

deaf dog and couple
Source: YouTube

However, when Blu moved to her new home, she felt really anxious. Everything around her was new, and she missed the familiar auditory cues she had relied on in the past. 

The first car ride with Mark and Sean was super stressful because it was so quiet, and that made her feel uneasy. 

But Mark and Sean were really patient and came up with creative ways to help Blu understand them. They used gestures and body movements to communicate, which helped them become really close. 

man kissing a deaf dog
Source: YouTube

To help Blu feel more comfortable, they even got a trainer to teach her how to relax, including some stretching exercises to ease her anxiety. 

Even though Blu can’t hear, she still enjoys her daily life, like going for walks, playing, and snuggling with her humans. 

deaf dog and its owner
Source: YouTube

But her deafness does make it tricky for her to interact with other dogs. Sometimes, she might bump into them or scare them because she doesn’t know they’re there. 

Despite these challenges, Mark and Sean have loved having Blu so much that they want to always have a deaf dog in their family. 

deaf dog with clothes
Source: YouTube

They believe that deaf dogs are just as loving and capable as any other pet, and they want to share the special experiences and challenges of caring for them with others. 

I really admire that! Helping an animal in need is such a kind thing to do, so cheers to this couple!