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Penguin Travels 5000 Miles Every Year Just To See The Man Who Saved His Life 

Penguin Travels 5000 Miles Every Year Just To See The Man Who Saved His Life 

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In today’s episode of heartwarming stories, I’ll tell you about a man and his penguin who share an unbelievable bond!

It all started years ago when Jinjing the penguin was just a baby. The poor thing got stranded on rocks close to a village. 

smiling man with penguin
Credit: YouTube

João, a retired fisherman, was out on his boat that day when he noticed an unusual silhouette between the rocks.

He carefully approached with his boat, only to discover a penguin completely covered in oil and dirt. 

a man petting a penguin
Credit: YouTube

Without a second thought, João scooped the penguin up and brought him home. He gave him a quick shower and cleaned the oil from his feathers. 

João fed the penguin some freshly caught fish thinking that after this the two would part ways. He drove the penguin off in his boat, but that same night he heard some noises in his front yard.

the penguin enjoys being splashed with water
Credit: YouTube

The penguin swam back to João, as he had no intention of leaving his rescuer! He stayed with João and his wife for the next 11 months!

The penguin swam back to João, as he had no intention of leaving his rescuer! He stayed with João and his wife for the next 11 months. 

a man lays on the beach with a penguin
Credit: YouTube

11 months later, Jinjing grew a new set of feathers and one day he wandered off and didn’t come back. 

João was sad at first, but he understood that now since Jinjing was all grown up, he had to venture off with his kind. 

Little did João know, that Jinjing had a secret plan…

a man with a penguin in the water
Credit: YouTube

A few months later, while he was doing some errands around his garden, João heard a familiar sound. He turned around only to see his beloved Jinjing honking and squeaking from excitement!

It turned out that Jinjing only ventured off during breeding season almost 5000 miles away. But once it was all over, he came to visit his best friend João!

a man with a cap cuddles with a penguin
Credit: YouTube

Since then, João knows that Jinjing will leave his penguin family for a few days and travel all the way to meet his human family! This once-in-a-lifetime friendship truly warmed my heart on so many levels. João’s kindness earned him a unique friendship that will last forever!