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Owners Surprise Their Dog With A Backyard After A Year Of Living In A Small Apartment

Owners Surprise Their Dog With A Backyard After A Year Of Living In A Small Apartment

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The moment this dog sees his very own backyard is nothing short of heartwarming! 

Reese had only ever lived in an apartment, but now his parents decided to surprise him with his very own backyard. They couldn’t wait to see his reaction.

In the video they shared with The Dodo, you can see moving boxes scattered around. I bet that from the moment they bought the place, they were eagerly anticipating Reese’s reaction to the house and the yard!

dog in hallway
Source: YouTube

You can hear them say, “It’s your new house!” as Reese joyfully runs around, filled with excitement. 

I’m guessing the house is much bigger than the apartment they used to live in. But wait until you see Reese’s reaction to the yard – it’s too cute to handle!

very happy dog
Source: YouTube

Reese runs around and jumps on the couch, but when he jumps over the couch, that’s when the real party begins! We hear his owners ask:

“What is that? Is that a new yard for you?”

And oh my, his reaction is priceless! Reese walks out and then stops to look back, as if saying, “Is this for real? Mom, dad, is this for real?!”

dog in garden
Source: YouTube

Let’s rewind a bit…

When Reese joined his forever family, his parents quickly realized that their apartment was too small for this little rascal. They didn’t just adopt a cute puppy – they adopted a little “dognado,” as they call him.

From the very first day, Reese was playful, energetic, lively, and curious. So his owners promised him – and themselves – that they’d do everything to find a new house that would fit his big personality. 

cute dog with toy
Source: YouTube

One year later, they surprised Reese with the best news ever! They were getting a big house with a big yard just for him!

Just look at him entering the yard, it’s like he can’t believe his eyes! His dad keeps telling him “It’s your yard!” but Reese jumps and then stops to look back at them, as if he’s thinking, “Is it really?”

And then it finally hits him – there’s no ending to this happiness! His inner puppy was so happy that he played in the backyard for hours, with his parents running around with him. They couldn’t contain their excitement and happiness either.

Just watch him go:

Then, to celebrate, his mom threw a ball party! 

As usual, Reese brought all his energy, chasing every single ball his mom threw, trying to catch them all. But his owners didn’t expect what happened next…

dog running in a garden
Source: YouTube

Reese became impossible to catch!

Hahaha, well, who could blame them? They’d never had a yard before, so it was a rookie mistake.

They couldn’t catch Reese to go for a walk or anything! It was hilarious, he just didn’t want to leave his backyard. It took a little bit of time and some new friends to finally coax him out of his precious yard.

woman walking three dogs
Source: YouTube

Now they all go on long adventures together, before returning back to their home adventure in Reese’s backyard! The fun never ends.

Reese is finally able to live the free-spirited life he always deserved.