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Clever Ant Teaches This Man That Genius Can Come In Tiny Packages, Too

Clever Ant Teaches This Man That Genius Can Come In Tiny Packages, Too

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When I was little, my father used to tell me stories about all the animals in the animal kingdom. I particularly liked the ones about ants – those tiny creatures who can tirelessly navigate obstacles and adapt to various challenges. 

Whenever my dad started one of his ant stories, I was all ears. Their intelligence, perseverance, and loyalty to their colony truly impressed me and never ceased to do so. 

A few days ago, I stumbled upon a video that made the little girl in me excited again. I immediately sent it to my dad, who, just like me, was impressed by a genius little ant.

pointing on ant
Credit: Facebook

In the video, the man observes an ant collecting grains of rice scattered on what appears to be some kind of concrete ledge.

Instead of carrying one grain at a time down the wall to its colony, this ingenious ant adopts a much more efficient method. 

Watch the video for yourself and tell me: Isn’t this the smartest ant you’ve ever seen?

As you can see, this clever little guy drops each grain of rice down the wall to the ground, planning to collect them later. 

This strategy significantly shortens his journey. Pure genius!

ant on the floor
Credit: Facebook

Zoologist Dr. Rony Almeida from the Emílio Goeldi Museum discussed the complex behavior of ants in an interview, highlighting how unique this particular ant’s tactic was. He stated:

“Ants do have the habit of cleaning the area around the entrance of their nests, so it’s possible that this is what this ant is doing. [But] it would not surprise me if they were able to solve efficiency issues in food transportation. Leaf-cutter ants do something similar, cutting leaves to the ground and collecting them later. I can’t confirm that this is what this ant is doing just from the video.”

Whether this ant was just doing cleaning chores or cleverly solving a food transportation issue remains uncertain. 

However, one thing is clear: The world of ants is both fascinating and mysterious. It reminds us how much there is still to discover about the wonders of nature.