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Tiny Spider Distracts A Woman From Her Work And Invites Her To Have Some Fun With Him

Tiny Spider Distracts A Woman From Her Work And Invites Her To Have Some Fun With Him

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It was just another regular day for one TikTok user. She settled in front of her computer, ready to get through her to-do list. 

But while she was concentrating, something unusual caught her attention. A tiny black dot was moving across her screen. 

At first, she thought it was just a few dead pixels, which can happen with screens. But then she noticed that the dot was still moving, and she figured out it wasn’t a glitch. 

spider on the light screen
Credit: TikTok

It was a little spider, a curious creature that had somehow climbed onto her computer and was now exploring the shiny surface. 

Most people would probably just try to get rid of the spider, but the hero of our story thought differently. 

Instead of treating it like a nuisance, she decided to have some fun. She paused her work and started a game with the spider. 

By moving her computer cursor around, she watched as the spider followed along. It was a strange but entertaining moment, and both she and the spider seemed to be having a great time. As she shared in an interview:

“I wanted to see what he’d do if I moved my mouse. He followed it around for nearly 20 minutes.”

spider walks on the screen
Credit: TikTok

As time went by, the woman started to feel a special bond with the little spider. She had been so focused on her screens and the online world that she almost forgot how nice it was to enjoy something simple. 

This tiny creature brought her a moment of happiness that she didn’t expect. By choosing to play with the spider instead of just getting rid of it, she not only saved its life but also made her own day better. 

spider on the screen
Credit: TikTok

So, the next time you see a small creature in your house, think about what this kind woman did. Instead of treating it like a nuisance, consider it a chance for some fun and a new experience. You might find something amazing!


Enjoy a few seconds from the 15+ minutes I spent playing with my new friend! #spider #dancingspider #petspider #playingwithspiders

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