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This Rescued Dog Was Scared Of Everything Until One Person Realized What He Truly Needed

This Rescued Dog Was Scared Of Everything Until One Person Realized What He Truly Needed

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This adorable pup faced a grim fate after being heartlessly abandoned in the desert. Fortunately, he was found just in time and given a new chance at life.

However, the poor soul was scared of pretty much everything. He was constantly startled by people, dogs, different noises, and various other things until one person finally realized what the dog truly needed.

dog being touched on head
Credit: YouTube

Things began to change for the pup named Bale when he met his forever human, Amy. She saw him while visiting the shelter, and they instantly fell in love with each other. 

Amy’s heart broke into pieces when she learned that he had been abandoned in the desert. However, she was determined to give him a loving home and the best life possible.

wet puppy wrapped into the blanket
Credit: YouTube

Little did she know that keeping him would turn out to be quite challenging. The first few days were fairly smooth, but one day, Bale just lost it. The world turned out to be such a scary place for this furry soul. Amy shared in an interview:

“We realized Bale was reactive to pretty much everything. He was terrified of people. He would get spooked by dogs, noises, inanimate objects. Literally anything that was new, or he hadn’t seen before, he was terrified of it.”

Desperate to help, Amy hired a dog trainer, who explained Bale had fear reactivity due to improper socialization. 

woman fixing dogs mask
Credit: YouTube

That was when Amy realized what Bale truly needed – he just needed to feel safe and loved. So, she decided to start working with Bale from scratch. She began with muzzle training to help him overcome his fear of new people.

She started introducing him to different people with their dogs, all while encouraging him with delicious treats and ensuring everything was all right. With the right approach, they quickly made progress.

Bale began to love being around other dogs and their humans, and soon, they no longer needed to use the muzzle.

woman carressing dog on the grass while other dog standing by
Credit: YouTube

Bale has come so far that now he has around 40 canine friends with whom he adores hanging out. 

Now, he and his forever human, Amy, are moving to another country and hope to adjust to their new life easily. But before they leave, they have one thing to do.

happy dog on the beach
Credit: YouTube

Amy decided to throw a goodbye party and invite their friends and dogs to express immense gratitude for helping them so much. She said:

“It has been amazing to have people here who would literally drop anything to help Bale.”

Looking back at the beginning, Bale is now a completely different dog, fully socialized and sure that he’s safe and loved, and it’s all thanks to Amy, who never gave up on him.