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It Took Weeks To Rescue This Hairless, Skinny Dog, But Her Transformation Is Unbelievable

It Took Weeks To Rescue This Hairless, Skinny Dog, But Her Transformation Is Unbelievable

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This story you’re about to read serves as a testimony to the transforming power of true love – a force that completely changed the life of a poor dog named Cherry. 

Having been a stray all her life, Cherry never knew what it was like to be truly loved. 

Hungry, extremely skinny, and with almost no hair on her body, she wandered the streets of her hometown, waiting for someone to respond to her silent cries for help. 

Thankfully, her guardian angel was just around the corner…

Prudence Barber from Mission Pawsible, a registered charity dedicated to helping homeless animals, was driving around in her car one day when she spotted an emaciated, hairless stray dog by the side of the road. 

She immediately pulled over and started calling out to the dog, intending to help. The dog was so skinny that Prudence could see every bone, which deeply affected her. 

Determined to save her, she got out of the car, but the frightened dog started running away. 

Prudence followed, but two other stray dogs chased her away, and the dog ran towards a tall rice field, disappearing from sight.

Prudence wanted to follow, but was too afraid of potential snakes lurking in the grass to even try. Besides, it soon started to rain, and she was forced to abort her rescue mission altogether. 

Thankfully, Prudence managed to take a couple of photos of the dog. 

Convinced that every stray dog returns if it wants to be rescued, she remained hopeful and sent the photos to her friend Jan, who lived in the area, asking her to call immediately if the dog returned.

Three weeks passed with no news, until one day Prudence’s phone beeped, with a simple message from Jan: “I found the dog!”

Prudence wasted no time getting to the location Jan had sent her. As the women tried to catch the dog, they noticed she was extremely calm and relaxed – showing none of the fear she had in the weeks before.

In an interview, Prudence reflected on the dog’s calm demeanor, saying:

“She had no fight left. There was no aggression. There was no barking. She just resigned herself to the fact that it was time for whatever the next step was gonna be.”

They decided to name her Cherry and helped her settle in with close friends of Prudence, who agreed to foster this good girl and help her recover and regain her strength.

No one could deny that Cherry looked rough, but everyone who met her immediately recognized what a true beauty she was on the inside. 

Her foster family made it their mission to help her transform so that her outside matched her inner beauty. 

They fed her nutritious, high-quality food and gave her all the vitamins and supplements she needed to gain weight and regrow her fur.

Everyone in the family made it their mission to shower Cherry with love, making up for all the years she spent in a loveless environment.

Thanks to her foster family, Cherry completely transformed – not just physically, but mentally too! 

From a skittish stray who was afraid of everything and everyone, she blossomed into an affectionate and playful pup who finally got to enjoy the life she deserved.

Cherry even experienced the love of other dogs, as her foster family already had three adorable pups. 

All three welcomed Cherry with open hearts, showing her how to live like a carefree, loved doggo.

It took just two weeks for this family to fall head over heels for Cherry and decide to adopt her permanently. 

To everyone’s delight, this special girl became their ‘foster fail’ – in the best possible outcome, right?

Today, Cherry lives an extraordinary life, a stark contrast to her past. She is immensely loved by her forever family, who truly appreciates her presence in their lives.

Cherry’s story is a true miracle and proof that love can heal the broken. I hope other stray dogs with stories like hers get to experience the same transformation. 

Every dog deserves to be loved, don’t you agree?