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Elephant’s First Taste of Freedom After 31 Years Of Chains Will Move You To Tears

Elephant’s First Taste of Freedom After 31 Years Of Chains Will Move You To Tears

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Some people treat animals with such brutality, no matter their size. Not even elephants, the land’s largest animals, get to escape the cruelty of man.

Joy, the elephant featured in today’s story, can attest to this harsh reality. 

For 31 years, she was shackled and forced to work in the logging industry, pulling trees from the forest without ever experiencing true freedom. She spent her life believing she would forever be bound. 

Fortunately, her fate took a turn when she was rescued by Planting Peace, a remarkable non-profit organization founded “for the purpose of spreading peace in a hurting world,” as described on their website.

Recently, MandaLao Elephant Conservation informed Aron Jackson, the founder of Planting Peace, about Joy, a logging elephant who had been abandoned and chained to a tree in the middle of the forest. 

Due to health issues – a common fate for elephants used in logging – Joy lost her job and was left all alone without access to drinking water.

In an interview about the rescue, Aron recounted how his team managed to negotiate her freedom with her owner and remove the chains that had bound her for 31 years. 

He expressed the profound impact of this moment, saying:

“We were able to take the chains off her. Those chains have been on her for 31 years. She knows no life outside of chains.”

Before these chains were removed, Joy, upon seeing a river, rushed to it, desperate for a drink. 

She likely feared it was her last chance before being relocated and chained again, unaware that she was about to be moved to a new home at MandaLao Elephant Conservation, where she would have unlimited access to water.

After the 31-year-old chains were removed, Aron took Joy on her first freedom walk. 

Each step Joy made was cautious; after three decades of restricted movement, the sudden freedom was understandably disorienting for her. 

Thankfully, she wasn’t alone – Aron and his team guided her every step of the way. Aron felt a deep connection during this journey, remarking:

“I feel like she understood that we were there to help her.”

Aron took Joy across the river, enticing her with pineapples all the way. The moment they reached the shore, she expressed her happiness with sounds akin to ‘purring.’

Just listen to her! Doesn’t this heartwarming scene make you sob?

Upon arriving at the sanctuary, Aron gave Joy the space to explore her new environment at her own pace. 

She quickly adapted to her new home, ready to embrace her freedom.

Reflecting on the rescue, Aron shared that Joy was the eighth elephant rescued by Planting Peace. 

He expressed his profound fulfillment from the work they do:

“It’s just an incredible honor that I’ve been able to visit elephants all around the world, and just kind of see their condition and what they’re going through. When I see stories like Joy, it really makes me know, like, ‘OK, we’re on the right path, and we just need to keep moving forward and rescuing more elephants.”

I hope Planting Peace continues their vital work, giving many more elephants the life they truly deserve. 

If you’re interested in seeing Joy’s journey or following other rescues, check out Planting Peace on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok