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Man Rescues Baby Seal And Is Deeply Touched When The Seal Won’t Go Away

Man Rescues Baby Seal And Is Deeply Touched When The Seal Won’t Go Away

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Sadly, ocean pollution remains a growing concern, with its devastating effects on marine life becoming more apparent each day. 

A recent video showcasing the rescue of two seals entangled in ocean debris underscores this urgent issue and highlights the crucial efforts of conservation groups like OCN.

The video, which has garnered over 14 million views, not only illustrates the severity of ocean pollution but also offers hope and demonstrates the healing work carried out by dedicated conservation activists.

seals on the beach
Credit: YouTube

The first seal was found with a thin nylon string tightly wound around its neck, leaving a deep and painful cut. 

The image of the seal struggling with this material served as a sobering reminder of the dangers posed by things we throw into the ocean, things that have no place in marine environments. 

man rescuing seal
Credit: YouTube

Fortunately, the rescuers were able to remove the string carefully, and despite the severity of the wound, the team remained hopeful about the seal’s recovery. They noted that the natural healing properties of saltwater would help in its healing process.

The second seal, a baby male, was entangled in plastic resembling some sort of cling wrap or shrink wrap. Although the plastic had not yet cut into his skin, it was clear that it would cause serious harm if left in place.

two men helping seals
Credit: YouTube

The rescue team used a specially designed seal-catching net to gently capture the baby seal. Remarkably, the seal appeared calm and trusting, seemingly comfortable in the net. 

This sweet little one didn’t rush to return to his colony but instead remained relaxed and at ease with his rescuers. They all laughed and encouraged him to go back, saying “You can go now” and “Go, buddy!”

man touching seal
Credit: YouTube

The rescuers were deeply touched by this heartwarming display of trust. After carefully freeing the baby seal from the entangling plastic, they gently nudged him to encourage his return to the wild. 

The sight of the baby seal eagerly rejoining his friends was truly heartwarming, highlighting the positive impact of the rescue. 

two men released the seal
Credit: YouTube

Throughout the process, as shown in the video below, the rescuers spoke comforting words to the seals, demonstrating their compassion and dedication to the animals.

One particularly touching moment in the video shows one of the rescuers gently petting the baby seal. One person commented, 

“The pup discovered what domesticated dogs and cats have known for a long time: Being petted feels good.”

I completely agree! If seal not pettable, why face so pettable? Lol.

seal on the sand
Credit: YouTube

The pup’s reaction captured the hearts of viewers worldwide, reminding us of the creatures left to fend for themselves in the wild. It also underscores the need to protect their natural habitats from pollution and other threats.

Watch the heartwarming rescue in the video below and share this story with your friends and family to spread awareness and inspire action to protect our oceans.