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Long Island Resident Discovers An Uninvited Wild Guest On His Property Sparking A Dramatic Rescue

Long Island Resident Discovers An Uninvited Wild Guest On His Property Sparking A Dramatic Rescue

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On what seemed to be just another normal day in Long Island, a resident took his dog out in their backyard for a morning stretch.

While his dogs were chasing each other around and enjoying the morning sun, the man relaxed on his porch. 

owl near fence
Source: Facebook

However, he soon realized that his dogs started behaving strangely. Worried there might be something that could harm his canine companions, he quickly called them over. 

Well-trained, the dogs instantly ran over to their owner with their ears and tails upright. The man brought the dogs to the house’s safety, not sure what danger was lurking close to the fence.

man walking towards an owl
Source: Facebook

He then proceeded with caution, ready to meet the uninvited guest. However, he never thought to encounter this magnificent creature in broad daylight. 

Once he came closer to the fence, his eyes met with an owl. The poor thing was gazing at him in terror, not being able to move. 

man picking up an owl
Source: Facebook

Realizing the owl was in desperate need of help, he made a quick phone call to Strong Island Animal Rescue League

Just minutes later, experienced rescuers came ready to help the poor thing. The owl seemed distressed, hungry, and dehydrated so they had to act quickly. 

They scooped him up, while his mesmerizing round eyes were observing every move the rescuer made. The rescuer kept repeating:

“It’s okay, we’re gonna get you some help buddy.”

man holding an owl
Source: Facebook

The owl seemed to understand that he was finally safe and on his way to recovery. They transferred him to a specialized shelter for birds called Sweetbriar Nature Center, as said in their post:

“It seems he is not doing a very good job being on his own finding his own food , so Sweetbriar will take care of him till he’s ready to be on his own! Teamwork saves them!”

gray owl
Source: Facebook

The juvenile owl stayed at the rehabilitation center where he received necessary medical attention and lots of food. He stayed there until he was ready to go back to his natural habitat.

What’s the most unusual animal you have encountered in your backyard?