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12 Reasons Why Your Cat Follows You Everywhere But Avoids Cuddling 

12 Reasons Why Your Cat Follows You Everywhere But Avoids Cuddling 

You’re having coffee with your best friend, who also has a cat. Her cat follows her around while she’s making the coffee and when she sits down, the cat jumps into her lap and starts cuddling.

Now, you are wondering: ”My cat follows me everywhere but won’t cuddle – am I doing something wrong?”

No, you are not! Our furry friends simply have their own ways! However, if this behavior concerns you then keep on reading to find out why your furry friend might be acting that way. 

A lot of cats follow their owners around the house, no matter whether we are talking about a young cat, adult cat, old cat, male cat or female cat; they all like to follow us. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons for this.

1. Out Of Pure Curiosity

curious cat in paper bag
Credit: Shutterstock

Sometimes, your cat is obviously bored and trying to find some entertainment in whatever you’re doing. For example, when you’re changing bed sheets, it is fun for your cat to jump on the bed and mess around for a bit.

Having your cat following you everywhere can be a cute addition to your indoor cat’s personality – it makes them a family member, part of the household and you can really feel their presence in the home!

2. Your Cats Wants Attention

cat on chest
Credit: Shutterstock

Our little feline friends sometimes just crave our attention (does this remind you of anyone in your life, lol?) Meowing is a common sign that your cat wants your presence, as well as following you around. Sometimes, your cat might follow you around and meow at the same time!

3. They Think Of You As Their Mother?!

cat cuddling
Credit: Shutterstock

Well, not exactly. Your cat knows you’re not its real mother. However, your cat needs someone as their caregiver. This used to be the mother cat, but now it’s you.

You might know that cats knead on their mother to stimulate milk production. Does your cat do the same to you – approach you and start kneading? If the answer is yes, then your cat surely feels like you are its caregiver and guardian, just like their mother was.

You are your pet’s main source of comfort and protection, and this may be one of the reasons your cat follows you.

4. Your Presence Means Playtime

cat playful biting
Credit: Shutterstock

This can be applied to any situation where you’re the main person in the household that actually plays with the kitty. It’s like a kid following their favorite older sibling around, because that sibling is the one that plays with them and gives them attention.

So if your feline friend is following you, there is a chance they just want to play with you, especially if you’re not around often, so your presence is somewhat special to your cat.

5. A Cheeky Reason: FOOD!

cat want snack
Credit: Shutterstock

This is to be expected, right? Regular cat food is just not enough – they want treats and bits of your food too! Your cat can follow you everywhere in the hope of getting a bite of food.

This behavior should not be encouraged! Otherwise, you can end up asking yourself: “Why is my cat so chubby?“ Don’t give more food than the cat needs.

6. Separation Anxiety

sad cat
Credit: Shutterstock

Your cat loves your company! Some cats love it so much that, when you’re not present, they get upset. On the other hand, some cats don’t experience separation anxiety at all.

For those that are dependent on your presence, whenever you’re not around them for a period of time (a few hours for some cats, and a week for others), they experience separation anxiety.

Some cats will follow you around everywhere in order not to experience the unpleasant feeling of separation anxiety.

7. Something Can Be Wrong

lethargic cat
Credit: Shutterstock

Your cat might be following you around to try to get your attention because something strange is happening. For example, they are in discomfort or pain and are trying to get you to take care of them in some way.

This happens rarely, but it is worth a mention.

8. It’s What They’re Used To

cat in womans embrace
Credit: Shutterstock

Domestic cats don’t have a lot of things to do inside. Because of this, they try to find some (strange) things to adopt as parts of their daily routine.

Cats are creatures of routine and they sometimes incorporate following their owners around as a part of their regular activities.

9. Your Cat Is Simply Not A Cuddly Cat

cat laying alone
Credit: Shutterstock

Your cat might not be affectionate at all. There is no rule that states that all cats absolutely adore cuddling; you just might have a furry friend that doesn’t demonstrate this common cat behavior.

It doesn’t mean anything is wrong with your pet – it’s just your cat’s personality. If you would like your cat to be more cuddly, there are a few things you can do – just continue reading.

10. Your Cat Expresses Love In A Different Way

cat licks finger
Credit: Shutterstock

Body language is a powerful thing. There isn’t just one correct sign of affection. Just like us humans, cats can express their fondness in many different ways besides cuddling. These include:

Rubbing against you

Your cat might be showing you love by rubbing against you. This transfers their scent to you and marks you as theirs.


If your cat licks you sometimes, consider yourself lucky. It is their way of creating a bond with you. They do this with other cats also, and for the same reason!


Purrs accompanied by a relaxed body posture are an adorable sign of affection towards you.

Napping next to you

You can’t fall asleep next to someone you don’t trust, right? The same goes for cats. Sleeping and napping next to us is one way cats show us that they feel comfortable and consider us their protectors.

I am sure all cat lovers find every single one of these behaviors absolutely adorable. And how can we not? They mean our little friends are showing love to us!

11. Your Cat Dislikes Physical Contact

fluffy cat
Credit: Shutterstock

Some cats don’t like to be touched in any way. This can include cuddling, belly rubs, petting, brushes while walking, sleeping very close to you and other similar situations.

Even if you never experienced your cat snuggle into your lap, that doesn’t mean your cat doesn’t love you – remember that.

12. Your Cat May Have Experienced Trauma

ragdoll cat laying
Credit: Shutterstock

Your cat might have experienced something bad in the past while cuddling. Past trauma causes cats to correlate negative feelings with cuddling and they then try to avoid feeling them again by not cuddling at all. 

This makes sense of course, but it is a sad reason for your cat to avoid cuddling. Building up trust slowly may help heal some of this trauma.