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7-Month-Old Belgian Malinois Puppy Heartlessly Left On A Hot Hillside In California

7-Month-Old Belgian Malinois Puppy Heartlessly Left On A Hot Hillside In California

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Hot summer days are unbearable, and it’s even worse for thousands of abandoned animals without shelter, food or water.

Animals accustomed to harsh conditions might find some shade, but those who aren’t used to fending for themselves often struggle without human help.

This was precisely what caught a woman’s attention when she saw a mysterious animal lying on a hot hillside in California, staring right at her.

dog on hillside
Source: Suzette Hall

The woman was going home when she noticed a mysterious animal lying on a hillside in the middle of a hot Californian day. Initially, she thought it was a coyote, but upon closer inspection, she made a shocking realization.

The mysterious animal was actually a 7-month-old Belgian Malinois female puppy, a dog she recognized from recent Facebook posts.

For over two weeks, people had posted about seeing this same dog wandering around, but sadly, no one had claimed her.

Concerned for the puppy’s well-being in the intense heat, the woman contacted Suzette Hall, an animal rescuer, who immediately responded to the call.

very cute dog laying down
Source: Suzette Hall

Upon arriving at the location, Hall slowly approached the dog and realized she was dehydrated. She thought that catching a hungry and thirsty dog would be a piece of cake, but she was wrong.

Suzette set the trap with treats and a bowl of water. The dog drank the water but constantly avoided the trap. Still, Suzette refused to give up.

She was constantly by the dog’s side, letting her know she was there to help. Suzette said in an interview:

“Every time I would start to go down to check on her, she would start to wiggle her tail. She knew I was there. She was starting to trust me.”

Even though the dog started trusting Suzette, she still refused to get inside the trap. Realizing that, Suzette went to get some fresh treats, and it finally worked. 

cute dog in cage
Source: Suzette Hall

The dog entered the trap and Suzette could finally take her to a safe place. With the help of four firemen, Suzette got the dog off the hill and was able to provide her with necessary care.

On their way to the vet clinic, Suzette came up with a perfect name for such a sweet girl – Sunshine. She said:

“I named her Sunshine because it was so hot and because she’s a bright light of sunshine.”

At the clinic, it became clear that Sunshine was unsocialized, likely never having had a home or family.

woman and adult dog
Source: Suzette Hall

Despite that, everyone was determined to help Sunshine and give her a new chance at life. The vets provided her with a thorough examination, including a lot of love and care she needed.

The moment she felt what true love is, Sunshine completely transformed. She started feeling more comfortable around people and enjoying all the attention.

Later, Sunshine went into a foster home, a move that everyone hoped would lead her to a forever home she truly deserved. Fortunately, it was the best decision ever. 

woman and two dogs
Source: Suzette Hall

Her foster mom, Brittany, instantly fell in love with Sunshine, so she decided to become her forever human. She shared:

“Originally was fostering, but when she walked up to me and gave me my first kiss, it was a wrap and I asked to adopt her.”

Thanks to Brittany, Sunshine got her happily ever after, and now she’s thriving in her life with her loving human and big sister Akeela.