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Elephant Mother Cuddles Her Baby Days After He Got Separated From The Herd 

Elephant Mother Cuddles Her Baby Days After He Got Separated From The Herd 

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Elephants are one of the most emotional wild animals in nature. The way they care for each other and their babies is something truly fascinating.

The other day I stumbled upon a video that melted my heart right away, so get ready to hear all about it!

men with elephant
Credit: YouTube

Deep in the jungle, a herd of elephants recently welcomed a baby. The adorable baby elephant was always close to his mom until one day he lost his way.

While the herd was moving to the next water source, the poor baby elephant couldn’t keep up. Before he knew it, his family was gone and he found himself all alone in the jungle.

men tied up the elephant
Credit: YouTube

He was searching for his mom and letting out loud cries, but sadly his mom was already far away from him.

A local wildlife preservation group was alerted by the villagers, who spotted the distressed baby elephant.

elephant in water
Credit: YouTube

Without a moment’s hesitation, they rushed to the jungle to help the lost baby. They located him quickly, but finding his family was a difficult task.

Considering just how big the jungle is, they had to figure out a way to locate his mom. One of the rescuers came up with an idea, that soon proved to be more than helpful.

people rescuing elephant
Credit: YouTube

He brought a drone, hoping that an aerial shot would reveal in which direction the herd was moving. Sure enough, just minutes later they spotted them almost 2,5 miles away!

The only thing left was to reunite the baby elephant with his mom. However, the rescuers were afraid she would reject him considering he spent hours around humans. 

an elephant
Credit: YouTube

To wash off the human scent, they brought him over to a river for a nice long muddy bath to wash off the unwanted scent. 

After that, they walked through the jungle until they met the herd. His mama was tired, but she instantly welcomed her lost baby and made sure this time around he followed her tightly.

big elephant in wood
Credit: YouTube

A short aerial shot later on revealed the mama elephant and her baby cuddling in the grass, almost as if they were trying to make up for the days they were apart. Just look how adorable they are!

elephants playing
Credit: YouTube

Thanks to these amazing wildlife rescuers a mama and her baby were reunited!