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Kayaker Shocked After Finding Someone Huge In The Back Of His Truck

Kayaker Shocked After Finding Someone Huge In The Back Of His Truck

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Different surprises can always await you around the corner, and that’s exactly what happened to a kayaker named Dave.

After a beautiful day enjoying kayaking and nature, Dave returned to his truck and was shocked to discover someone huge waiting for him inside.

Dave just couldn’t believe his eyes – at the back window of his truck, there was a huge animal he never expected to see so close – a red-tailed hawk.

Though shocked, Dave tried to help the hawk get out of the truck. He left the tailgate and top cap open; however, after a few hours, the hawk was still inside. 

Dave assumed something was wrong, so he contacted Raven Ridge Wildlife Center in Washington for assistance.

Coincidentally, one of the center’s volunteers happened to be around and came. The experienced volunteer used a towel, gently grabbed the hawk, and safely took it to the wildlife center.

Moved by this successful rescue mission, Raven Ridge Wildlife Center shared a Facebook post stating:

“This is the time of year when many baby hawks are learning to fly, hunt, and survive. The mortality rate for young Red-tailed Hawks is about 80% in their first year. Most of these first-year hawks struggle with hunting, lose their way, or become separated from their family. This particular hawk was dehydrated and underweight. Thanks to Dave and Michelle, the hawk is now recovering and has been moved to outdoor flight cages to regain strength for its release.”

The wildlife center shared that the hawk was dehydrated and underweight, but fortunately, it ended up in the right hands. 

The volunteers provided the hawk with a healthy diet and a temporary home where it will be cared for until it regains strength and is ready to return to where it truly belongs. 

Soon, this red-tailed hawk will be up in the sky, doing what it loves the most, all thanks to kind-hearted Dave and the wildlife center staff who offered it a helping hand.