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This Dog’s Face After He Realizes His Family Ain’t Coming Back For Him Will Break Your Heart

This Dog’s Face After He Realizes His Family Ain’t Coming Back For Him Will Break Your Heart

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The journey of a dog who was adopted and then returned by his new family is truly heart-wrenching. 

Dogs often believe that once they’ve found a new home, their owners will be with them forever. The reality of being returned can be utterly devastating for them.

This particular story is even more heartbreaking because the dog was returned to the same shelter where he was initially adopted.

sad dog in shelter
Source: YouTube

Buddy, a dog who was initially surrendered to a Texas animal shelter, faced his first heartbreak when his owner, who suffered from severe health issues, could no longer care for him. 

While the owner’s reasons were understandable, Buddy was unable to grasp this, only recognizing that he had returned to a sad and familiar place. 

Confused and heartbroken, Buddy struggled to adapt to his new reality. To make matters worse, his troubles didn’t end there, as his health began to decline, causing growing concern among the shelter staff.

woman feeding shelter dog
Source: YouTube

Buddy had difficulty walking on his hind legs and needed dedicated care for his recovery. Unfortunately, he was placed on the euthanasia list, and with time running out, the shelter staff urgently sought a medical foster home for him.

In a stroke of luck, a compassionate individual stepped forward to help. When Buddy’s new foster parents arrived at the shelter, his eyes lit up at the sight of treats, momentarily lifting his spirits. 

This marked the beginning of his new journey toward healing and happiness.

dog laying on the floor
Source: YouTube

After being transported to his new home, Buddy was taken to the vet the next day. The vet diagnosed him with yeast dermatitis, stiff joints, and sore legs. Fortunately, he received the necessary medications to start his recovery.

As the days passed, Buddy’s new parents noticed a significant change in his demeanor. He became much happier and began to enjoy his new life to the fullest. 

man and adult dog
Source: YouTube

He loved lounging beside his new dad for long naps and often played with his toys, living his life like any other pet dog.

Mealtime turned into a joyous occasion for Buddy, especially since he had a particular fondness for ham. Seeing him so happy and content truly warmed the hearts of his human parents.

dog eating from bowl
Source: YouTube

Buddy’s transformation from a sad, abandoned dog to a healthy and happy one was truly remarkable. 

Thanks to his new family, Buddy’s recovery was swift and successful, proving once again how far a little love can go and how profoundly a loving home can impact a dog’s life.