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Disabled Squirrel Had A Rough Start In Life But Ended Up In A Loving Forever Home

Disabled Squirrel Had A Rough Start In Life But Ended Up In A Loving Forever Home

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Georgia, an adorable little squirrel, fell from the tree as a tiny baby. She was found by a group of college students who decided to nurse her back to life.

tiny squirrel
Credit: YouTube

The girls tried their best to feed and care for little Georgia, but once their landlord found out about it, they got into serious trouble.

They immediately reached out to Alisha, a rehabber and a foster mom to many little fur babies. 

x ray picture of squirrel
Credit: YouTube

Without a moment’s hesitation, Alisha agreed to take Georgia in. However, she had no idea just how bad her state was. As she said in a video:

“So when I got her to the vet we did the x-rays, it was a lot worse than I had even thought that it was. She had fractures in every limb, several different areas of her spine, multiple things all from lack of calcium.”

squirrel on womans shoulder
Credit: YouTube

Although the girls who saved little Georgia did their best, it turns out they’ve been feeding her kitten milk instead of squirrel formula. 

This resulted in numerous bone fractures, all because the kitten milk didn’t have the proper nutrients. 

tiny squirrel eating
Credit: YouTube

However, Alisha was not giving up on her. She immediately put her on a special diet, called Metabolic Bone Disease diet. 

Despite being on this special diet, little Georgia still didn’t develop properly. She couldn’t walk properly, so she hooped around instead. 

squirrel with toys
Credit: YouTube

She is half the size of a normal healthy squirrel, but as long as she stays on her special diet she will be able to lead a perfectly normal life. 

Since her back legs were disabled she also needed assistance with grooming. Alisha gladly helped her scratch her head whenever she needed it. 

adorable squirrel on human hand
Credit: YouTube

Georgia is aware she is tiny, but this doesn’t stop her from being a playful squirrel. She spends most of her days playing with her toys or stealing some pistachios from Alisha. 

This adorable squirrel also shows her feisty side regularly and her mom Alisha believes it’s because she knows she is tiny. As she also mentioned: 

“Being so much smaller it makes her feel like she has to be on defense all the time.”

squirrel in the blanket
Credit: YouTube

The bond Alisha and Georgia have is truly special and you can follow their adventures over on Instagram!