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Gray Seal Spotted On A Pillbox After The Tide Recedes Leaving Him Stranded For 24 Hours

Gray Seal Spotted On A Pillbox After The Tide Recedes Leaving Him Stranded For 24 Hours

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Surprisingly, seals often find themselves in trouble. These adorable sea puppies need human assistance more than you think.

gray seal on pill box
Credit: RSPCA

Whether they get stranded somewhere on the beach or the sea washes them up on a parking lot near the ocean, animal rescue organizations often need to jump in and help these adorable creatures out.

Recently, a local rescue organization was informed about such a gray seal who found himself in a miserable situation.

portrait of a gray seal on the box
Credit: RSPCA

The beach where passersby noticed the seal had an old Second World War pillbox that was usually under water during high tide. However, once the tide receded the pillbox revealed a distressed seal.

The poor thing was resting on top of the pillbox, but once the tide went out he found himself stranded. With no way down to the water, he hoped someone would come to his rescue.

portrait of a gray seal on the box after the tide has receded
Credit: RSPCA

Passerby immediately informed their local animal rescue organization and the team was ready to come and assist the poor guy. 

On top of their kind assistance, the beachgoers even wrote a note in the sand saying ‘Be aware of the seal’.

seal on a white background
Credit: RSPCA

Once the rescue team arrived they immediately noticed the poor seal injured his eye trying to get down. Knowing they had to act quickly, they carefully maneuvered the seal into a net.

Since the seal was pretty heavy and the pillbox high, rescuers had to carefully bring him down preventing any further injuries. 

Luckily, their swift and experienced hands brought the seal to safety, away from the pillbox.

gray seal lies on a white background
Credit: RSPCA

They immediately rushed him to their facilities to treat his injured eye. In addition to his eye injury, the poor thing was extremely dehydrated. 

Since he spent almost 24 hours stranded with no food or water, the rescue team had to make sure to nurse him back to life before releasing him back into the ocean. If you live close to a seal-populated area and see one in distress, make sure to contact your local rescue for help. They’ll know what to do!