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Farm Sheep Found In Desperate State Saved Just Before It’s Too Late

Farm Sheep Found In Desperate State Saved Just Before It’s Too Late

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Every now and then, sheep are known to wander off from their herd, even though they are under the watchful eye of a farmer or a herd dog.

people and sheep
Source: YouTube

Alex, a farm sheep, wandered away from his herd one day and never found his way back home. Luckily, the poor soul was found just in time…

When the volunteers from Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary found poor Alex, they knew they had to act quickly.

sheep with overgrown fur
Source: YouTube

You might be wondering why Alex was in such a desperate need of help. Well, sheep require a yearly shearing, a process in which the farmer removes the sheep’s wool in order for them to lead a healthy life. 

sheep drinking a water
Source: YouTube

Considering that Alex had almost 90 pounds of fleece, the sanctuary volunteers could only guess how long he had been lost. Poor Alex could barely stand or eat, and he was in a life-threatening situation. 

guy helping a sheep
Source: YouTube

His fleece was soaked in urine, matted with twigs and leaves from bushes. What worried the rescuers most was the fact that insects had laid eggs in his wool.

One of the rescuers took it upon herself to free the poor boy from his burden – a heavy task that took her hours!

woman shaving a sheep
Source: YouTube

She knew she was racing against time, as Alex was severely dehydrated and had barely any strength left. However, her skilled and dedicated hands soon transformed Alex, and you won’t believe just how different he looked!

shaved sheep
Source: YouTube

Unbelievable, right? From what seemed to be the biggest sheep I’d ever seen, Alex transformed into a skinny, sweet boy who had to learn how to walk again. I can only imagine how amazing it felt for him to be finally free!

Little did Alex know, the sanctuary volunteers had prepared him a spa day! They bathed him, removing all the dirt that was hiding underneath his fleece. Now squeaky clean, he was ready to join the other sheep in the sanctuary!

sweet sheep
Source: YouTube

Today, Alex leads a happy life in Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary and he even has a new friend, a sheep named Chloe! Thanks to his kind rescuers, Alex got a second chance at life. 

Sanctuaries like these truly restore my faith in humanity, and I hope they inspire more people to lend a helping hand to an animal in need!