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Goldendoodle’s Day At The Lake Takes A Remarkable Turn As He Rescues A Baby Deer From Drowning

Goldendoodle’s Day At The Lake Takes A Remarkable Turn As He Rescues A Baby Deer From Drowning

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Ralph Dorn had a normal evening as he looked at the lake behind his house in Virginia. He was trying to find his beloved Goldendoodle, Harley. 

But this time, something amazing caught his attention. About 200 feet away from the shore, there was Harley, not alone, but swimming next to a small baby deer! 

baby deer swimming
Source: YouTube

Ralph never thought that their peaceful afternoon would turn into such an exciting rescue mission. Harley, on the other hand, became a hero overnight because of his cleverness and bravery in saving the fawn from drowning.

However, Harley’s bravery didn’t stop there. Once the deer was safe on dry land, he stayed by its side, offering comfort and support. 

dog saving a baby deer
Source: YouTube

As fate would have it, the baby deer’s mother arrived just as Ralph spotted her little one. Knowing they were alright now, Ralph brought Harley back to the house. The mother deer patiently waited until they were gone, and then she and her baby disappeared. 

The following day, Ralph and his wife, Patricia, were enjoying their morning coffee when they noticed something seemed off.

Harley seemed restless, pacing from window to window. They couldn’t figure out what was going on, so they decided to open the front door, and that’s when they heard it – the faint cries of the baby deer.

dog and baby deer
Source: YouTube

Harley immediately dashed outside and found the baby deer. The little one stopped crying and wagged its tail. 

They touched noses, sniffed each other, and Harley calmly returned to the house with his owner, knowing that his friend was safe.

Their time spent together was brief, as the baby deer and his mother eventually wandered back into the wilderness, and they never saw them again. 

baby deer and dog playing together
Source: YouTube

However, this wasn’t the first time Harley had shown his caring nature. As a therapy dog, he had brought happiness and solace to elderly care homes

He also participated in reading sessions with kids at the library and won over the hearts of Ralph’s four grandchildren. 

baby deer and dog
Source: YouTube

After Ralph shared this story on social media, the overwhelming love and support they received left him and his wife feeling thankful and respected. 

And as for Harley, the courageous and compassionate Goldendoodle had repeatedly shown that he was more than just a pet – he was a genuine hero.