Unfortunately, not all animals are cuddly and friendly, many are quite the opposite.
Whether on land or in water, every environment has aggressive creatures. Some may deceive you with their looks, while others make sure you know who the boss is.
Although these creatures might seem intimidating, it’s just their nature to use aggression in order to survive.
Let’s check out the most short-tempered creatures in the animal kingdom.
1. Nile Crocodile

Crocodile species are known for being dangerous, but the Nile crocodile is considered to be one of the most aggressive ones.
It’s hard to imagine that it can reach up to 20 feet in length, making it the second largest living crocodilian.
Nothing can stop this guy from taking down anyone in its path, especially when protecting its territory or nests.
2. African Buffalo

Characterized by its curved horns and massive size, this giant is always ready to fight.
But do you know just how big these animals actually are? Brace yourself because some of them can reach up to 1,980 pounds!
What makes them one of the most dangerous mammals in Africa is the frightening appearance combined with the defensive and aggressive nature.
Though they might remind us of cows, let’s not confuse the two for the sake of our own safety.
3. Black Mamba

Sssneaky and highly venomous, this creature is considered to be Africa’s longest venomous snake.
This snakes’ hunting consists of paralysing the victim with its venom. Why work harder if you can work smarter?
Despite its name, the Black Mamba isn’t actually black. It’s usually brown or grey, which helps blend into its surroundings.
No matter its color, I’d prefer to never see one!
4. Wolverine

If you’re wondering how dangerous this fluffy creature can be, the answer is: surprisingly dangerous.
Its incredibly strong teeth and muscles and aggressive nature make quite a combo, right?
The Wolverine is also a territorial animal. Though it rarely attacks humans, it won’t hesitate to defend themselves if threatened.
5. Hippopotamus

At first glance hippos might seem calm, but they are actually quite aggressive and territorial.
If provoked and chasing something, these beasts can reach up to 19 – 28 miles per hour.
Their speed combined with their powerful jaws and sharp teeth makes hippos the world’s most fatal land mammals.
6. Tasmanian Devil

Have you ever heard the screams of the Tasmanian Devil? These sounds leave no one indifferent.
But that’s just the beginning, this animal is also known for being aggressive and short tempers.
Here’s the kicker: it has one of the most powerful bites of all mammals. I wouldn’t want to cross its path!
7. Honey Badger

Look at this guy! What a hairstyle!
But let’s not let that distract us, because this animal is quite an aggressive one.
The Honey Badgers’ attitude easily intimidates even the fiercest predators, like hyenas and cheetahs.
Its most notable feature is its thick skin, which can withstand bites and stings.
And if you happen to enter its territory, be prepared for a fight!