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Betta Fish Living In A Tiny Cup In A Pet Store Completely Changes His Color In A New Home

Betta Fish Living In A Tiny Cup In A Pet Store Completely Changes His Color In A New Home

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Adriana kept betta fish as her pets ever since she was a little girl. She fell in love with these beautiful creatures at a young age, and who could blame her?

These are some of the most beautiful exotic pets you could have with their mesmerizing colors and long fins. 

white fish
Source: Instagram

One day Adriana went to her local pet store to get some supplies for her tanks, when she noticed an adorable little guy with gorgeous long fins.

However, the betta fish in question was pale, almost white with only a black upper lip which reminded Adriana of a mustache. As she said in the video:

“There was something about his little face, he looked kind of like a little goth with his black lip.”

fish in aquarium
Source: Instagram

What worried Adriana was his white color. The poor soul lost his pigmentation due to stress, as he was living in a tiny cup filled with water in the pet store.

These fish require big tanks with a lot of enrichment, to stay happy and most importantly healthy. Adriana knew she had to take this little guy home with her and provide him with the life he deserved.

cute fish
Source: Instagram

Naming him Stevie, Adriana made sure he got a big tank with a lot of natural plants inside. Over time, he started eating more and became an active little fish. As she mentioned:

“He definitely became much more active and curious, just really out of his shell. He’s just very personable, like, he loves to see people come up to his tank.”

hand and fish
Source: Instagram

After just one week in his new home, Adriana noticed something heartwarming. Little Stevie started changing his color! 

Little blue spots started appearing on his fins, meaning the little guy was thriving in his new environment. 

However, this was not the end of his transformation. After a month, adorable Stevie was almost completely covered in a gorgeous shade of blue. As Adriana also mentioned:

“I didn’t really know what his genes would be, but I definitely never imagined the blue sea that he looks like now.”

blue fish
Source: Instagram

With a tank filled with plants, stones, wooden hiding spots, and lots of love from his mom Adriana, little Stevie became a real beauty. 

Adriana continues to save neglected fish from local pet stores, giving them a second chance at life. As she beautifully said:

“They’re super smart animals too. And they’re just these small little beings, who I never thought I could love so much, as small as they are.”

Make sure to follow Adriana over on Instagram for some beautiful videos of her rescue betta fish!