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Dehydrated Hummingbird Refuses To Leave Her Rescuer And Peacefully Rests On His Hand

Dehydrated Hummingbird Refuses To Leave Her Rescuer And Peacefully Rests On His Hand

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One of my favorite things about summer is observing hummingbirds in my garden. These magical little birds are a beautiful sight to behold!

Recently, while I was surfing through the internet, I stumbled upon a video that warmed my heart on so many levels. 

dehydrated hummingbird
Credit: YouTube

On what seemed to be a normal day for this California resident, the man woke up ready for a busy day in his garden. 

Once he came to his garage to collect the tools he needed, the man was left in awe when his eyes met with a tiny hummingbird. 

a dehydrated hummingbird drinks water from a syringe
Credit: YouTube

The tiny creature got trapped overnight in his garage and it seemed like it was in desperate need of help. 

The man rushed back into his house and took a syringe, realizing the poor thing was severely dehydrated. He prepared sugar water for some extra boost of energy, so the little one could fly away into a new adventure. 

a dehydrated hummingbird sits on a man's toes
Credit: YouTube

The man gently scooped the bird up and gave him water through the syringe. Thinking the bird would immediately fly away, the man opened the garage door ready to release him. 

However, this adorable little bird decided to stay. He sat peacefully in the man’s hand while observing his kind rescuer. The man was stunned! He never encountered a wild bird with such a sweet nature!

a dehydrated hummingbird is rescued by a man who gives it water
Credit: YouTube

Since the hummingbird decided to stay for a while, the man made him a tiny nest in one of his Tupperware dishes! The tiny bird enjoyed his new nest and rested for a couple of hours.

His kind rescuer gave him another round of sugar water thinking this time around he would fly away. Yet again, the man was mistaken. 

a hummingbird landed on a man's hand
Credit: YouTube

The adorable hummingbird decided to rest in the man’s hand, almost as if he was trying to say ‘thank you for rescuing me’

By 4:00 PM the adorable hummingbird finally said his last goodbye to the man and happily flew away! A heartwarming encounter like this one happens once in a lifetime, that’s for sure! 

If you adore hummingbirds just as much as I do, make sure to place some hummingbird feeders in your backyard! These magical creatures will surely appreciate it.