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Long Island Scientists Encounter Shocking Situation When 300-Pound Shark Lands On Their Boat

Long Island Scientists Encounter Shocking Situation When 300-Pound Shark Lands On Their Boat

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Imagine sailing near Long Island, gathering information for your upcoming marine biology discovery, when out of nowhere a massive Mako shark decides that your research boat is its new vacation home! 

This is exactly what happened to a group of scientists recently, and let me tell you, the story is amazing!

shark on a boat
Credit: YouTube

Well, this Mako shark meant business. I’m talking about a prehistoric-looking beast, weighing well over 300 pounds, that leaped out of the water and landed with a loud thud on the ship’s deck. 

Luckily, the scientists are all safe, but let’s face it, they probably now have the best story to tell.

Some might think this was a “Sharknado” situation, but the scientists say it was just a big misunderstanding. 

shark landed on a boat
Credit: YouTube

They thought of it as a regrettable incident, not a planned attack on the boat. The shark probably just had a bad case of the zoomies and thought the boat was a giant chew toy. 

The real heroes of this story, though, are the crew. Captain Don Law, the ultimate ocean hero, and his team went into full-on rescue mode. 

photo of shark on a boat
Credit: YouTube

After inspecting the situation, Captain Don Law devised a clever plan using a rope and some fishing line. It wasn’t very high-tech, but it did the job! 

Through some skillful moves, they successfully guided the confused Mako shark back to its natural habitat. 

shark pushed off the boat
Credit: YouTube

Scientists later noted that if their boat had been smaller, things could have been even worse. 

Turns out everything can happen when you’re on the high seas. So, if you’re ever out on the water, be on the lookout – you might come across a massive Mako shark with a serious case of mistaken identity!