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Over 100 Dolphins Struggle To Survive After Being Stranded On Massachusetts Coast

Over 100 Dolphins Struggle To Survive After Being Stranded On Massachusetts Coast

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It was supposed to be a sunny and relaxing day on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, but it quickly turned into a fight for survival for more than 100 Atlantic white-sided dolphins. 

Known for their playful behavior and strong social bonds, these smart animals were stuck on shallow mud flats, fighting for survival.

a man with dolphins in the water

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) immediately got a call about a few stranded dolphins early one morning. 

However, the situation was much worse than they expected. When they arrived, a shocking 125 dolphins were stranded, exposed to the scorching sun. 

stranded dolphins

This was the biggest mass-stranding event IFAW had ever dealt with in 26 years, a heartbreaking scene for anyone who loves these amazing sea creatures.

From that point forward, each moment was crucial. The IFAW team, along with AmeriCorps of Cape Cod, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, and others, started a large-scale rescue mission. 

Their main goal was to ensure the dolphins stayed hydrated and at ease until the tide came back.

people standing where the dolphins are

The rescue went on for 12 long hours. The volunteers and staff worked nonstop, feeling sad because they knew that even if they tried their best, it might not be good enough. 

Mass stranding events usually have really bad results, and the situation felt very uncertain. Luckily, there was a small sign of hope. 

rescuers in a boat

By the time the sun went down, most of the dolphins had been led back to deeper water. The few that were left found their way back to the open ocean the next day. The rescue team felt a mix of relief, tiredness, and success.

As we discover more about these amazing dolphins, it’s up to us to pay attention and take action to keep them safe. 

man swimming with dolphin

I’m so thankful for the brave heroes at IFAW and other groups who came to the rescue of these dolphins. Their fast actions and hard work truly saved the day. Thank you!